Periodically, we offer several different book and bible studies at St. John's MCC.
Most are available in person AND online through Zoom. If you're interested in one or more of them, please let us know!

White Fragility

White Fragility

White Fragility

Why it's so hard for White People to talk about Racism. Study the book by Robin DiAngelo together with others at St. John's MCC.

Reconstructing the Gospel

Reconstructing the Gospel

Reconstructing the Gospel

Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion. Study the book by Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove together with others at St. John's MCC.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

There are two 8-week components to this course: Emotionally Healty Spirituality and Emotionally Healthy Relationships. Each of them will change your life!

The Gospel of Inclusion

The Gospel of Inclusion

The Gospel of Inclusion

Reaching Beyond Religious Fundamentalism to the True Love of God and Self. Study the book by Bishop Carlton Pearson with others at St. John's MCC.

Freed from Guilt ... Freed from Shame

Freed from Guilt...

Freed from Guilt ... Freed from Shame

Overcoming Bible Abuse about Homosexuality: a Bible Study for ALL God's Rainbow People - including Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People.

The Gospel of the Revelation

Gospel of Revelation

The Gospel of the Revelation

... according to St. John the Divine. Throw away everything you learned about this final book of the Christian Testament. It probably didn't come from the Bible.

Learn New Testament Greek

Learn New Testament Greek

Learn New Testament Greek

with Dr. Jordan Dyck from MCC North London, UK.  Learn to read the Bible in the original languages, and you'll be able to make up your own mind about what it really says.

MCC Discovery Class

MCC Discovery Class

MCC Discovery Class

This class is an overview of the work of St. John's MCC and Metropolitan Community Churches worldwide. People often take this class to help them decide if they want to join St. John's MCC, but membership is not required nor expected upon completion.

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Inventory

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Not really a class, but a method to find out where you fit in at St. John's MCC. Take the inventory and then speak with us to learn more....