Through the Community Engagement Center (CEC), we are able to provide opportunities for people to come together for programming, services, or just a safe place to stop in for a while. We do this through the amazing work of our community and volunteers. 

Care/Resource Coordination

Schedule a time to see one of our Care Coordinators and determine what services are available to you.

The Bryant Center

Services: Mail Service | Computer Lab | Care Coordination | Resource Assistance | Meal Kits | Pantry | Community Programs

Cooling Stations/ White Flag Shelter

Cooling stations and White Flag Shelters are opened during incliement weather and extreme temperatures.


If you are interested in volunteering with our CEC (Community Engagement Center), please click on the applicaiton link below. 


Volunteers help greeting guests and clients into the center, assist with mail services, meal kits, and various other services that are provided through the CEC. There are opportunties to serve Monday thur Saturday at various times of day.